Sunday, January 8, 2017

A pair of winged visitors

We had a sudden downpour a few days ago and soon after a pair of birds of a kind we don't often see flew into our yard.  Were they kookaburras, we wondered, but we dismissed that after a closer look at the photos taken through a telephoto lens. Our friend Patricia, more knowledgeable with the winged friends was quite sure they were butcherbirds. 


  1. Surely one reason these two are a bit difficult to identify is because they're so wet! They look bedraggled. I wonder if they're young - their first taste of wet weather? I hope they hang around and treat you to the butcher bird song - so very sweet and trilling and varied. In Perth we used to be treated to young kookaburras every year, who would visit our garden while they were still learning to laugh. It was hilarious. So if your visitors were to sing, the difference would soon be clear.

    1. They were bedraggled Maureen! We didn't hear them. Haven't heard a "learning" kookaburra!

  2. Greetings from the Land of Unbearable Humidity, where we are visiting ill relatives.
