Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Ringing bells in London

We finally did it- rang bells in London, At this church .

No not St Pauls, but the one next to it, St Vedast alias Forster, shown in the illustration created after it was nearly destroyed during the war. Today it's more like this

Tower captain Tom Lawrence was most helpful but like all captains he worked hard to ensure the best results possible.  I was invited to ring the second of the six bells, which felt much heavier than the heaviest at Christ Church St Laurence back in Sydney.  Worse for me was the call for changes was a different system which meant I had to be reminded each time which bell to follow. Still it was a very good experience. Kay too had a go with Tom providing the hand stroke help. The practice was well attended, by about a dozen ringers of range of capabilities and nationalities (Americans, Canadians, Swiss and of course British).  Now for the next tower!  See other blog http://kansontheroad.blogspot.com/